Access control systems control access to a resource, typically a door or series of doors within a building. By installing a door access control system, you can manage who is granted entry to your building and when they are able to enter and exit. Access control solutions increase the safety of your facility and offer superior protection compared to traditional locks and keys.
Locks and keys have been used for decades, but when keys are lost or stolen, businesses bear the inconvenience and expense of changing locks and reissuing keys. Additionally, keyed entries come with their own unique risks — keyholders can easily create copies, resulting in additional security risks; lockpicking can be easily learned, and keyed entry cannot be monitored or controlled. Do not leave your company’s security or your customers’ or employees’ safety to chance.
The protection of people, property, and assets is a top priority for all businesses. Bedrock has been helping businesses protect their facilities for over 10 years, so we know that advanced access control solutions are the best way to offer patients, customers, and employees of any facility increased protection. Contact Bedrock Premises Solutions to find out how access control systems can help your business.

AUDIT TRAIL – With an access control system, you will have a record of every opening and attempted opening of each door or area. That helps resolve employee issues like time and attendance disputes and allows business owners to have peace of mind regarding their facility’s safety during non-business hours.
TIME/DAY RESTRICTIONS – If your business relies on janitorial staff or shift workers who only come in a few times a week, it makes more sense to restrict their access to those times than to give them a key that allows access at any time or day.
PROTECTION BEYOND DOORS – Traditional locks and keys typically only work for doors. Advanced access control solutions can be integrated to work with other entry points such as gates, fences, and other barriers. For example, businesses can utilize access control I.D. cards to allow employee access to parking garages in addition to doors.
NO MORE LOST OR STOLEN KEYS – When keys are lost, stolen, or not returned by former employees, it is an expensive process to completely rekey each door. But leaving them as-is creates a security risk. Modern access control solutions allow you to easily remove access by deactivating the I.D. badge or other security credentials, in turn saving your business time and money and preventing losses.
REMOTE ACCESS CONTROL – Many systems allow for control of all the business’s locks from one main system. With these systems, you can easily and quickly lock down your business, as well as add or remove credentials, in an emergency.
EVENT NOTIFICATION – The access control system can send email or text notifications when a particular event occurs, such as a door being propped open or an invalid or unusual credential attempt.
ALARM INTEGRATION – Many access control solutions can be integrated into existing life safety systems such as fire alarms and intrusion alarms. In the event of a fire, remote access control solutions can unlock all doors to allow for evacuation. In the event of an intrusion, access control systems can be programmed to lock down certain areas within facilities, offering protection to building occupants.